Hi, I’m Andy! 👋
I’m a Cloud Engineer, general nerd and chaotic neutral. I’m passionate about learning, developing my skills and working on cool stuff! When I’m not working, you can find me distro-hopping, working on my homelab, or playing Fallout 4 on my SteamDeck.
If you’d like to, you can check out my cloud resume here
🚀 What I’m up to
- ☁️ Cloud things
- 🦀 Learning rust
- 🤓 Developing my DevOps skills
- 💻 Homelabbing (ask me about my k3s cluster)
- 📦 Resisting the urge to buy more computers (this isn’t working)
- 🏡 Home automation!
⚡ Fun facts
- 🐧 After years of using Windows, I’ve finally migrated away to solely Unix devices
- ☕️ Some say, my blood is more caffeine than actual blood at this point, and that if you stare hard enough, you might see the tiny robot controlling me
- 🔺 i use arch, btw
🎓 Certifications

Last updated: 2024-08-14
📍 Location
Birmingham, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
💼 Work
As of October 2022, I’m doing cloudy things (technical term) over at the recently rebranded OneAdvanced ☁️
⛵️ Interests
After realising that my interests align with my work life, I got into homelabbing, and have since put together a small plethora of devices in a rack; Some of them are running K3s. In my spare time I’m learning more about infrastrucure and building out applications.
This site is running on my homelab.
🛠️ Projects
I’ve been working on building some of my frequently used tools out into rust binaries, throwing together custom docker images, and building out my lab.
I also recently built the best/worst thing I’ve ever created: Testpage, and an accompanying Errorpage
📚 Books
This year I’ve read 3 books, and I’m working on a 4th.
I’m learning Colemak! My WPM has only suffered majorly